Welcome on the pages of diadex company !

diadex is ...

The diadex company is one of the leaders in the market of quality and reliable diamond tools and machines for cutting, drilling and grinding in civil engineering, industry of ceramics and stone and in machinery industry.

The company provides these brands : AGP, Braun, coynco, DiamondX, Klinsystem, Lissmac, Scanmaskin, Sima, WEKA a Zenesis  edition 5.

When you are interesting in the tools and machinery ( please use translator to your language ) ? :

Zenesis nástroje AGP rozbrušovací pily Scanmaskin World Series 28 a 32 Sima stolové pily Lissmac řezačky spár Braun stěnové pily Scanmaskin frézy Sima hladičky betonu Braun lanové pily AGP vrtací stojany coynco ICLEAN vysavače WEKA ruční pily